Reflecting upon his brigade’s humbling defeat at the Battle of Bull Run in the Civil War, William Tecumseh Sherman, the vaunted Union general who decimated Georgia, wrote in his memoirs of “goths and vandals [who] brag but don’t perform.” While presenting a treacherous act of hucksterism on the day in which Congress convened to certify the electoral win of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri and Ted Cruz of Texas rendered themselves a duo of rogue goths who bragged about correcting an electoral vandalism, in a performance as grotesque as it was patently untrue.
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Something Seditious This Way Comes
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Reflecting upon his brigade’s humbling defeat at the Battle of Bull Run in the Civil War, William Tecumseh Sherman, the vaunted Union general who decimated Georgia, wrote in his memoirs of “goths and vandals [who] brag but don’t perform.” While presenting a treacherous act of hucksterism on the day in which Congress convened to certify the electoral win of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri and Ted Cruz of Texas rendered themselves a duo of rogue goths who bragged about correcting an electoral vandalism, in a performance as grotesque as it was patently untrue.