Thank you for this look, describing America now. Unable to look back right now, was it Roth with the “indigenous, berserk” quote? I was waiting for some discussion direction to true indigenous, but it used evidently to mean the first white presence here with the highest of ideals, and yet some berserk as well.

True indigenous lived here as we need to return, Connected to the land in gratitude and reciprocity, this as well with each other, this in abundant areas; less abundance, more fighting for food, wives. But, those inherent values, and more, are correct and sustainable.

Those values, and our need, is to rise above the division in each of our personal lives, and instead of opposition, division and criticism, moving to the higher connective values and vibration of acceptance, allowance, inclusion, gratitude, and reciprocity. This is the way back, and it’s time to return. T. S. Elliot: “You will search and search and return to where you first began, and (really) know it for the first time. “

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Rise emotionally and thus vibrationally above the devastating roar of the turmoil.

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