Dirty Moderate Nation
Dirty Moderate
Podcast Episode 70. Benghazi with Ethan Chorin

Podcast Episode 70. Benghazi with Ethan Chorin

Ethan Chorin is a former US diplomat, political analyst, environmental entrepreneur, and author of the stunning Benghazi! A New History of the Fiasco that Pushed America and its World to the Brink .From 2004 to 2006, he was one of a handful of US diplomats posted to Libya in the wake of rapprochement with Colonel Gaddafi. Six years later, as co-director of an NGO, he became a witness to the Benghazi attack and its aftermath.

Despite hundreds of hours of Congressional hearings, a deep dive into Hillary Clinton’s personal email, and the trial of two suspects (ultimately acquitted), there are many unanswered questions about what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  Until now.

Democrats and Republicans agree on little when it comes to Benghazi, or we’ll, anything these days, but both sides are likely to find themselves feeling vindicated by some of Chorin’s revelations and conclusions, while strongly contesting others. 

Adam has an unforgettable exchange about Ethan’s first hand accounts and they make there way to the inevitable comparisons in structure, if not content, of the current January 6th committee hearings.

And don’t forget: Vote.org, Vote.org, Vote.org! Get registered to vote if you’re not already and register everyone you know. You can even help them figure out where they're nearest voting location is and when they can vote! Don’t be one of the 101 Million Americans who didn’t perform their civic duty in 2020.

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 Dirty Moderate Nation
Dirty Moderate
Dirty Moderate showcases the people who cut through the nails on a chalkboard din of the modern-day American political scene. We promote rigorous analysis and lively debate with individuals on both sides of the aisle and beyond. Our host, Adam Epstein, is a Tony Award-winning former Broadway powerhouse who can go toe-to-toe with anyone on politics as he did on Trish Regan Primetime on FOX News every Thursday night in 2019 as the lone non-conservative panelist delivering his centrist perspective with grit, intellectual prowess, and undeniable charm. Past guests of the podcast like Repiblican strategist, Stuart Stevens, Congressman, Adam Kinzinger, Author, John Pavlovitz, and Correspondent, Trish Regan all range in perspective by design, and no two conversations are alike, but the one vitally important thing all of our guests have in common is they fight like hell for Democracy. • Produced by Blurry Cowboy Media • Theme Song by @brettgarrisonepstein • Subscribe to Substack at www.dirtymoderate.com • Tweet the Show: @dirty_moderate