Adam-- I agree with you. I imagine in this case it's less the ambition of Biden personally, that's the problem, but the disorganization and ambition of some of those around him. Biden ran on a "transitional" platform, with the implication he would be a one-term president. Yet there clearly was no transition planning, and the VP choice wasn't really made with that in mind -- or if it was, it wasn't communicated to the voters. We're beholden to what individual groups within the party consider acceptable, or what they feel they're entitled to. Trump has no such constraints. YOu're right - if Biden had a regular dialogue with the American people, debates with lunatics wouldn't be necessary. Thursday was an exercise in political roulette, that gave Trump renewed legitimacy. You might find my Substack piece from today interesting.

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But the point here is, at four months out, why is this even being discussed? While you might have some valid points, so what? We are where we are and the only two questions are will you vote and if so, who will you vote for? Don’t mean to oversimply but it is what it is and fascism/dictatorship vs. democracy is what’s on the ballot.

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Moving forward with Biden as if nothing happened is not a good strategy, nor is throwing the door open to potentially more discord at the nth hour, without understanding the likely outcomes. Something needs to give. We will see.

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I’m not going to comment except with this statement. Biden is up to the job and will be the next President in Nov. That’s where we go from here - full stop.

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This isn’t exactly addressed to you, but whomever may be reading this thread.

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